Not available to students majoring in the Neidorff School of Business.

Only available to those in the 2021-2022 catalog or later. Other classes should follow the Interdisciplinary Clusters 通路.


Department or Program:
Michael Neidorff School of Business

The Exploring International Business Discovery allows students to first acquire a foundational understanding of the International Business environment in INTB 2301 and later complement it with upper division courses in the areas of international business.


Completion of at least 9 credit hours including:
a) INTB 2301

b) 6 credit hours from any combination of courses in one or both of the following groups:
i) upper-division INTB courses (3xxx or 4xxx; these may have prerequisites)
ii) courses in the following group
MKTG 3361 (prerequisite: MKTG 2301 and junior standing)
管理3361 (prerequisite: junior standing)
FNCE 3361 (prerequisite: FNCE 3301*)
*请注意, FNCE 3301 has the following prerequisites: ACCT 1301, 经济1311, 蝙蝠2301, and one of (蝙蝠1101 or 蝙蝠1102)

Additional Information

  • A student must complete at least one  Discovery to qualify for graduation
  • Courses in the Discovery must be taken at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University.
  • Students can also fulfill the Discovery requirement by completing a second major or a minor.
See further requirements

More 发现


The Discovery requirement is one element within the Pathways curriculum. Although many 发现 are housed in academic departments, 发现 are distinct from majors or minors. For the requirements associated with specific majors or minors, see the Courses of Study Bulletin