
赌博娱乐平台网址大全接受音乐教育的学生参加一个创新的五年项目. After earning the four-year Bachelor of 音乐, 学生完成暑期研究生课程和学生教学实习,并被授予教学艺术硕士学位和音乐各级教师证书. With a dual emphasis in music 和 liberal arts, 音乐教育的音乐学士学位可能侧重于基础普通音乐教育, choral music education, or 仪器 music education.

  • 独特的 five-year program 音乐专业与教学艺术硕士相结合
  • 100% placement rate 为音乐教育专业硕士毕业生提供教学职位
  • 充足的 “讲台” conducting ensembles to build portfolio
  • 超过 25% of students perform in music ensembles
Two conductors reading music


What You'll Study

学习 how to teach—one note at a time


Raising the Bar

虽然教师们都是各自领域的专家,但教学才是他们真正的强项. 还有谁能比最好的老师更能教会学生如何教书呢?

headshot of James Worman_2022
James Worman, Ph.D.
Associate 教授
" "
Alyssa Avenatti
Part-Time 教师
" "
Lydia Beasley Kneer, D.M.A.
Part-Time 教师
教师 Headshot: Brian Bondari
Brian Bondari, D.M.A.
Associate 教授
" "
Jeffrey Castle
Part-Time 教师
" "
Yoo-Jung Chang
Part-Time 教师
" "
Wayne Ching, D.M.A.
Part-Time 教师
" "
Brian Christensen
Part-Time 教师
" "
Part-Time 教师
" "
Sean Holmes, D.M.A.
Part-Time 教师
headshot of 吉莉安·洛佩兹_2023
Part-Time 教师
Jacquelyn Matava, D.M.
Associate 教授
" "
John Meriwether
Part-Time 教师
Kimberlyn Montford
Kimberlyn Montford, Ph.D.
Associate 教授
" "
Zachary Ridgway, D.M.A.
Part-Time 教师
" "
Raymundo Tamez
Part-Time 教师

Student Opportunities


“我无法告诉你我从一开始就成长了多少 Dr. Bondari 到现在. You can always get better, 但现在我把自己看作是一个作曲家,而以前我只是一个写音乐的人.” - Caileen Tallant ’16


音乐 scholarships range from $1,500 - $10,每年5万美元,并在成功试听的基础上每年更新一次, continued full-time enrollment, 和...

研究 Opportunities



From China to Austria, students perform around the world, 让自己完全沉浸在音乐的发源地. 学习...



Spaces 和 Facilities

学生们在校园内令人惊叹的设施中表演, such as the Smith 音乐 Building, Laurie Auditorium, 和 Margarite B. Parker Chapel. 赌博娱乐平台网址大全是...

Student Organizations

学生可以参加各种合唱和器乐合奏,在校园和世界各地演出. Two a cappella groups serenade campus every...

Honors 和 Student Awards

Pi Kappa Lambda认可取得音乐学士学位或音乐专业文学学士学位的音乐学生的杰出成就...

Lecture Series 和 Annual Events

Stieren Arts Enrichment Series

Through the Stieren Arts Enrichment Series, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全会定期邀请一批世界级的音乐家来这里演出...

When You Graduate

Key to Success

赌博娱乐平台网址大全音乐教育专业的学生参加的活动通常只有其他学院的研究生才能参加, which give them an advantage post-graduation. 本科生有充足的“领奖台”时间,以发展他们的音乐领导技能,并通过专业经验充实他们的简历.


赌博娱乐平台网址大全的职业安置网络引以为傲的是为赌博娱乐平台网址大全教师教育项目的毕业生提供了100%的就业机会. Recent graduates are teaching in diverse settings, are active in leadership roles in the profession, 并在州会议上展示了他们的乐团.

Career Areas:

  • 教育
  • 教育al Leadership
  • 英语 as a Second Language
  • 音乐 Business
  • 教学



Take the next step

Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何赌博娱乐平台网址大全,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.