
妇女与性别研究的跨学科辅修课程探讨了在种族和阶级交叉的背景下性别和性行为的文化建构, global and domestic politics, 宗教, and critical theory through literature, 视觉艺术, and other media. 妇女和性别研究专业的学生对行动主义充满热情, 股本, social justice, and empowerment to the classroom and the broader community.

  • 每月举办一次女权主义电影放映,以主流和独立电影为特色,并与Faculty进行讨论
  • Offers courses from more than 12 disciplinary traditions,包括 Spanish, 社会学, 英语, 沟通, and sport management
  • 举办妇女历史月,邀请演讲者和社区活动
  • Works with and supports student organizations such as 骄傲, the Coalition for Sexual Justice, and the Black Student Union
Group of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 Students at Pride Gathering


What You'll Study



Promoting interdisciplinary expertise and experience


莎拉·E. 埃里克森
莎拉·E. 埃里克森,Ph值.D.
Associate Professor, 沟通
吉娜·安妮·谭, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
headshot of Dania Abreu-Torres_2022
达尼亚E. Abreu-Torres, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Faculty Headshot -Rosana Blanco-Cano
Rosana Blanco-Cano, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Headshot of Jenny Browne
Jenny Browne, M.F.A.
Professor, 英语
Anene Ejikeme
Anene Ejikeme, Ph.D.
教务长特别助理,ACS梅隆学术领导研究员计划 & Associate Professor, 历史
Sajida Jalalzai
Sajida Jalalzai, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, 宗教
photo headshot of Shannon Mariotti
Shannon Mariotti, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science, Political Science
headshot of Debra Ochoa_2022
Debra Ochoa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Headshot of Willis Salomon
Willis Salomon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, 英语
Kathryn Vomero Santos
Kathryn Vomero Santos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, 英语
Headshot of Amy Stone
艾米L. 石头,Ph值.D.
Professor, 社会学 and Anthropology
Angela Tarango
Angela Tarango, Ph.D.
Professor, 宗教

Student Opportunities

Put empowerment to work through hands-on approaches, community involvement, and cultural interconnectedness.



Healthy Relationships 研究 Lab

面向发展和应用先进的研究技能, such as literature review writing, 研究设计, data collection, and manuscript writing, 健康关系研究实验室为学生提供了与wags附属Faculty合作的机会,以推进和发表与健康浪漫关系相关的研究. 在整个学期中,学生将参与正在进行的Faculty主导的研究项目. 本课程完成了衔接课程中可选的体验式学习部分.



未成年人的实习有助于计划和促进妇女和性别研究活动. 学生制定和执行WAGS项目的营销计划,同时也为副修课程提供意见.

学生也有机会在当地非营利组织实习, such as the Rape Crisis Center.

Spaces and Facilities

Women’s Resource Center at Coates 图书馆

的 Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Foundation has made a $500,捐赠给赌博平台网站大全,在该校建立露丝·麦克莱恩·鲍曼·鲍尔斯妇女研究资源中心

Student Organizations

Associated with the Coalition for Sexual Justice

性正义联盟是赌博娱乐平台网址大全学生的团体, Faculty, 通过教育和宣传促进性正义的工作人员和社区成员. 性正义包括结束性侵犯和家庭暴力, 促进性健康和安全性,并通过全校问责制向幸存者提供支持. 


骄傲 (Promoting Respect, 包容, 多样性, 是一个支持LGBTQ+社区和校园盟友的校园学生组织.

Lecture Series and Annual Events

学生和Faculty组织与妇女历史月有关的活动, Gay Pride Week, and International Women’s Day, 等.


View Upcoming Events

When You Graduate


Through this interdisciplinary minor, 学生发展关键技能和智力训练,以表达个人和政治关切,并获得参与社区行动的联系和经验.


Students graduate into a world of career opportunities, careers in college and professional sports, and sport-related companies across the U.S.


  • 艺术
  • 教育
  • 法律
  • 非政府组织
  • 社会工作




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