• I am a transplanted Wisconsinite now firmly rooted in San Antonio. After earning a B.A. in literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.A. in literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I discovered my orientation to language better fit the field of rhetorical studies.

    Consequently, I earned an M.A. in rhetoric in the Communication Arts department at UW-Madison and finished my Ph.D. in rhetoric in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State. The adviser to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's chapter of the National Communication Association Honorary Society, Lambda Pi Eta, I have taught courses on political communication, advanced public speaking, communication theories, argumentation, rhetorical criticism, a two semester course on the history of rhetorical theory.

    • Ph.D., Penn State University
    • M.A., University of Wisconsin (Rhetoric)
    • M.A., University of Wisconsin (Literature)
    • B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • "Argument for and by Ethos in the Rise of Victorian Science: Francis Galton's English Men of Science." Ed. Scott Jacobs. Considering Argument: Selected Papers of the Fifteenth NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Washington, DC: National Communication Association.
    • "The Rhetorical Dimensions of Agency in Lincoln's Second Inaugural."Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism 卷,201. Ed. 凯西D. 丹诺.

    Focusing on the public address of nineteenth-century America and Great Britain, I have published in various academic journals, 如 Philosophy and RhetoricLanguage and Literature,Western Journal of Communication,Rhetoric Review. My present research interests include the public address of scientific discourse, the nature of rhetorical criticism, the relationship of poetics and rhetoric. In the past, I have received the Carroll C. Arnold Award, the Wrage-Bakersville Award, recognition from the American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

    • Rhetorical Criticism
    • Classical Rhetorical Theory
    • Modern Rhetorical Theory
    • Active member of the Alta Vista Neighborhood Association
    • St. Anthony Catholic school volunteer