• Ph.D. in Computational and Applied 数学, Florida State University
    • M.A. in Applied 数学, Florida State University
    • B.S. in 数学 and Computer Science (Double Major with High Honors), 罗格斯大学, The State University of New Jersey
    • H. 阮,H. Basagaoglu, C. 麦凯*,. Carpenter, S. 苏奇和F. 希利; Coupled RapidCell and Lattice-Boltzmann Models to Simulate Hydrodynamics of Bacterial Transport in Response to Chemoattractant Gradients in Confined Domains, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20(2), pp 1 - 14, 2016.
    • F. 徐,R. 比尔曼* F. 希利和H. 阮; A multi-scale model of Escherichia coli chemotaxis from intracellular signaling pathway to motility and nutrient uptake in nutrient gradient and isotropic fluid environments, Computers and 数学 with Applications, in press.
    • S. 程,H. Duong * C. 康普顿*,米. 沃恩,H. Nguyen and K. 程; Characterization of 3D Voronoi Tessellation Nearest Neighbor Lipid Shells Provides Atomistic Lipid Disruption Profile of Protein Containing Lipid Membranes, Biophysical Chemistry, 198, pp 22-35, 2015.
    • H. 阮,R. Cortez and L. 福奇博士; Computing flows around microorganisms: slender-body theory and beyond, American Mathematical Monthly, 121(9), pp 810-823, 2014.
    • H. Nguyen, and L. 福奇博士; Hydrodynamics of diatom chains and semiflexible fibers, J. R. Soc. Interface, 11(96), pp 1742-5662, 2014.
    • H. 阮,R. 奥尔蒂斯,R. Cortez, and L. 福奇博士; The action of waving cylindrical rings in a viscous fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 671, pp 574–586, 2011.
    • H. 阮,我. Karp-Boss, P. Jumars, and L. 福奇博士; Hydrodynamics of spines: a different spin,湖沼学 & Oceanography: Fluids & Environments, Vol. 1, pp. 110–119, 2011.
    • H. 阮J. Burkardt, M. Gunzburger, L. Ju和Y. 萨卡人; Constrained CVT meshes and a comparison of triangular mesh generators, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 42, pp. 1–19, 2009.
    • H. 阮,M. Gunzburger, J. Burkardt, and L. Ju; Adaptive anisotropic meshing for steady convection-dominated problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 198, Issues 37–40, pp. 2964–2981, 2009.

    *denotes 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 undergraduate researcher

    • Computational fluid dynamics in mathematical biology
    • Adaptive mesh generation
    • Voronoi tessellations and applications