• Dr. 洛伦佐D. Sanchez is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) and Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP) with over 15 years’ experience developing, 协调, and implementing emergency preparedness and 业务连续性 programs across diverse industries, 包括地方政府, 高等教育, 金融服务业. 
    • 在赌博平台网站大全工作之前,博士. Sanchez held various emergency management and 业务连续性 positions with the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, 圣安东尼奥市, TX -应急管理办公室, 迈阿密戴德县, FL -应急管理部 & 首页land Security, URS Corporation, and the City of Austin, TX - Austin Energy. Dr. Sanchez’ emergency and crisis management experience includes responding to local and federally declared emergencies, 比如最近2021年德克萨斯州的冬季风暴, 全州停电, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 恶劣天气, 热带风暴费伊 & Hermine, Hurricane Ike, Hurricane Harvey, and large special events among many other situations. 
    • 在高等教育领域. 桑切斯领导风险办公室 & 应急管理 at 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 for 11 years as Director, and provided oversight of key campus safety areas including emergency management, 业务连续性, 防火与生命安全, 职业健康, 工人的补偿, 建筑与环境卫生, 以预防为目标的风险管理, preparing and responding to campus emergencies to lessen the lasting impact of these events on the campus community.
    • 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校博士.D. - 2018 
    • 北德克萨斯大学.P.A. - 2006 
    • 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校.A. –2003 
    • International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) - Certified Emergency Manager (CEM)
    • Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) - Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP)


    • 洛伦佐·D·桑切斯. (2014). Chapter 7 - Developing an Effective 应急管理 Program. 在J. 埃里克·科尔曼 & 彼得·约翰斯通主编.)、校园安全管理 & 高等教育的安全(pp. 87-95). 迪比克,伊利诺斯州:肯德尔亨特出版公司. 2019 
    • 洛伦佐·D·桑切斯.梅利莎·梅. “Engaging the Roadrunner Community in Public 安全.” In 社区连线杂志. 2017:第5卷,第5页. 18. 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 – Office of Community Services. 2019 
    • 洛伦佐·D·桑切斯. 2018 -筹备中. “社会脆弱性——确实存在风险。?” 2019 


    • Risk of Risks: Social Vulnerability to Hurricane Disasters – Does “Place” Matter?” 研究 presented at the Texas 应急管理 Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX 2019 
    • Social Vulnerability to Hurricane Disasters: Exploring the Effect of Place as a Mediating Factor” Paper presented at the Texas Demographic Conference, Austin, TX 2018 
    • Rebuilding in the Aftermath of Katina: Emergency Hispanic Populations in Local Labor Markets” Poster presented at the Applied Demography Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX 2017 
    • 社会脆弱性:准备悖论?” Paper presented at the Texas 应急管理 & 首页land Security Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX 2016 

    专业 & 会议演讲 

    • 高等教育中的水危机影响” Presented at the Community Based Water Resiliency Workshop, 圣安东尼奥供水系统(SAWS), 圣安东尼奥, TX 2020
    • Integrated Crisis Communication – Emergency Notification Solutions在2018年国土安全部国家研讨会上发表 & Tabletop Exercise for Institutions of Higher 教育, 圣安东尼奥, TX  2018
    • A U.T. 全系统备灾方法” Presented at the Emergency Preparedness and Response to Biological Threats: National Biosecurity Symposium, 德克萨斯大学医学分院, 加尔维斯顿, TX 2017 
    • From Local Jurisdiction to Higher 教育: Making it Work!” Presented at the Texas 应急管理 Conference, 圣安东尼奥, TX 2015 


    • Engaging the Roadrunner Community in Public 安全”  Interviewed as a subject matter expert regarding emergency notification. 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, Paisano 新闻paper 2018 
    • UTSA Debuts New Emergency Panic System: Alertus” Interviewed as a subject matter expert regarding emergency notification. 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, Paisano 新闻paper 2018 
    • 大学自然灾害预案” Interviewed as a subject matter expert regarding emergency plans and 恶劣天气 shelters. 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, Paisano 新闻paper (Vol. 2017年第8期 
    • 邻居互相帮助” Mentioned for convening a regional collaboration forum for campus preparedness. 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 – Impact Magazine 2017 
    • 是时候发出龙卷风警报了?” Interviewed as a subject matter expert regarding emergency notification system after 恶劣天气/tornadoes in 圣安东尼奥. KSAT新闻2012
    • USAA Culture Shift Pacesetter Award – Enterprise Security Group/Business Continuity - April 2022 
    • UTSA Police Department – Public 安全 Commendation - November 2021 
    • UTSA Order of the Roadrunner – President’s University Excellence 奖 - April 2019 – April 2020 
    • UTSA Chief’s Commendation Award – Police Department Annual Award Ceremony - Dec 2018 – Dec 2019 
    • International Association of Emergency Managers – Graduate Scholarship - August 2017 – May 2018 
    • UTSA 工作人员 Council Scholarship - August 2016 – May 2017 
    • 公共准备 & Awareness Campaign – UTSA Awarded 1st Place - August 2015 
    • 2-1-1 Texas Information Network – Certificate of Appreciation for Community Support - June 2010 
    • 迈阿密戴德县, Department of 应急管理 – Community Service - June 2009 
    • 迈阿密戴德县 Health Department – Public Health Preparedness Commendation - June 2009 
    • U.S. 住房 & Urban Development – Management Fellowship - August 2004 – May 2006