TIAA Retirement Webinar Opportunities
Learn more about planning ahead for retirement, including advice tools

Do you know how much income you may need in retirement? Have you considered whether you are saving enough for the retirement you envisioned?

On Wednesday, September 6, at 10 a.m. EDT, TIAA will host a retirement webinar on advice tools for all faculty and staff. Join this TIAA webinar to learn more about the importance of planning ahead for retirement and tools available to best stay on track. TIAA will share how to get tailored advice through the retirement advisor tool and options for guidance. The webinar will be hosted by Molly Phelps, director of integrated solutions at TIAA. 

The advice tools presentation is designed to educate participants about the tools and resources available through TIAA to help them retire with dignity. It covers the topics of:

  • Income replacement ratio
  • Key retirement risks
  • Budgeting
  • Power of compounding
  • TIAA traditional
  • Behavioral finance
  • Retirement advisor tool walk-through
  • Drives to the retirement advisor tool through the client portal, with one-on-one advice sessions that are held monthly

Register now for the advice tools webinar on Sept. 6.

In addition to the Sept. 6 webinar, TIAA offers four more retirement webinars throughout the month of September. These webinars are open to all and are available now for registration.

The additional September webinar topics are:

  • Attention to Detail: Financial Finishing Touches for Women
  • The Starting Line: Beginning to Save for Retirement
  • Make the Move Toward Long-Term Security: Your Mid-Career Retirement Check-In
  • Avoiding Fraud and Scams: Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

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