Eight-semester design sequence

八个学期的设计序列旨在激励和结合学生的工程教育, 在物理科学和数学方面有全面的基础, a broad range of multidisciplinary engineering science, 并继承了人文社会科学的丰富的共同课程.

First Year Design Project

The water balloon launcher 已成为ENGR 1382《赌博平台网站大全》的标准设计项目.  一组学生设计了一种装置,可以准确地将水球发射到50码范围内10英尺的水平正方形目标上. 表现最好的设计是通过友好的比赛来决定的,两组气球向对方的目标发射. 在规定时间内得分最多的小组进入下一阶段的比赛,直到除一组外的所有小组都被淘汰.

This project, originated by professor Richard Swope, was initially conducted during the 1982 spring semester. At its inception, the project's goal was to design a launcher that, when placed on the goal line of the football field, 你能让气球穿过五码线上的大环吗, another large hoop on the 45-yard line, and hit Swope standing on the 50-yard line. 五次击中斯沃普两次的小组在这门课上自动获得了A. 在斯沃普教授这门课程的八年期间,这个项目得到了全国媒体的报道.

Sophomore Design Projects

Sophomore Design (ENGR 2181/82) involves service learning projects. 学生们去不同的社区组织,设计供组织成员或客户使用的物品或设备. 这些组织包括一个“生命大步”教室和一个当地的亲善分会.

For a "LifeStrides" classroom at Houston High School, 这个班设计了一个悬挂装置,可以让有发育障碍的学生以直立的姿势悬挂起来,这样他或她就可以主动行动,与周围的环境互动.

Teamed with a local chapter of Goodwill, 班级为场地维护设备设计了住宿场所,允许身体残疾的人使用割草机和剪绳机等设备. 该项目使亲善社能够扩大残疾人的就业机会. In May 2008, 其中一个由大二设计团队开发的住宿在NISH国家学者奖竞赛中获得了第三名. 当地媒体对赌博娱乐平台网址大全获奖的报道是由 San Antonio Express-News, KABB FOX 29, as well as Trinity's public relations office.

Junior Design Projects

第一学期的初级设计项目(ENGR 3181)涉及 design of a traffic light controller 用于使用fpga (Altera开发工具)的主要十字路口. Students work individually to design, build, and test their controller; they also discuss and incorporate real-life constraints, such as the need to give access to emergency vehicles. The second semester project (ENGR 3182) emphasizes deconstruction of an appliance,分析器具的必要设计标准,测试和设计改进.

Senior Design Projects

Senior design groups undertake a 一年的顶点设计项目,与教师顾问协商. 学生可以选择提出自己的高级设计项目,也可以与教师或行业顾问就现有提案进行合作. 学生小组在秋季分析客户/问题的需求, setting and analyzing criteria for a successful project, investigating alternative solutions, and refining their optimal design. 春天是用来实现、测试和改进设计的.

Example Projects

Some examples of recent projects are:

Accessible Home Vital Signs Monitoring System
The project, a national competition winner, 参与设计和构建一种非侵入式家庭生命体征监测系统, accessible, safe, and accurate. Students were active in all phases of the project, from the initial research stage, ordering of parts, and construction of the case, to coding for the project and final human testing. 学生们注意到在设备的功能和可用性方面有几个地方需要改进,并且能够根据用户的反馈改进设计.

Rainwater Catchment System

Red Rover
A team, sponsored by the Texas Space Grant Design Challenge, 分析了两人载人火星探测器的任务要求, including command and control, payload, power and communications budgets, and locomotion. 小组设计并制作了一个1:6比例的漫游者模型, tested the model (in Earth gravity), 然后将结果扩展到火星重力下的全尺寸探测器上. 该项目的成果在休斯顿的两个全州展览会上进行了传播.

Trinity Robotics
这个小组设计并制造了一个可以在电子磁带路线上导航的线路跟踪机器人, recognize and follow direction markings, 找到并回收“放射性废物”(彩色汽水罐), 同时避开“工厂工人”(芭比娃娃). 这个小组在IEEE第五区竞赛中获得了第二名.

4-Year Sample Degree Plan

See a sample 4-year course design sequence for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science degree.

Board of Advisers

顾问委员会是我们学生与行业互动的主要贡献者, engineering practitioners, and employers.会员就协助业界赞助的高级设计项目交换意见, 为学生提供暑期和长期就业机会, 并为部门的会议和研讨会提供演讲. 委员会还为设计项目和学术改进提供资金.

Graciano Dieck Assad
ITESM, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey校区,Aulas IV-212

Joe Aillet, P.E.
Associate Vice President
Black & Veatch

Farzan Aminian
Professor and chair
Engineering Science Department, Trinity University

Keith Bartels, Ph.D., PMP
Staff engineer
Southwest Research Institute

Cal Chapman
Chapman Engineering

Ernest Franke
Technical Adviser - Automation & Data Systems Division
Southwest Research Institute

Tony Franckowiak
Venetian Marble & Granite

Michael Kotara, P.E.
Zachary Holdings, Inc.

Charlie Wernette
Director Engineering Design Construction
H-E-B Grocery Company

Thomas Schluter
Beckwith Electronic Engineering

Nils Smith, P.E., Chair
Southwest Research Institute

Brianna L. Hinojosa-Flores
Senior Patent Attorney

Brent Fessler
Hallmark University

Michael Bueche
Assistant Vice President, IT operations Excellence