What can I get reimbursed for?

Generally expenses that employees personally incur for a business related purpose can be reimbursed. Proper documentation such as receipts are needed to substantiate the purchase. Reimbursement for services paid to another individual are not eligible and should be paid directly by the University to the individual. 

Questions: Please visit the help center in Workday

Employee Travel

Upon return of the trip, the traveler must provide all travel-related receipts. Not all expenses are eligible for reimbursement. View Travel Policy.

Mileage Reimbursement

The use of personal vehicles for university business can be submitted when requesting reimbursement of local business mileage. According to the IRS, the mileage rate for business is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile.  

View the Policy here 

Out of Pocket Reimbursement Quick Reference Guide

The Create an Expense Report quick reference guide includes instructions on how to process your Workday expense report for out of pocket reimbursements. 

Create an Expense Report (P-Card)